


Tiny wasp now confirmed to be a new species, belongig to the genus Probaryconus. Publication in the pipeline. Inspiration for BRC logo.








A new genus of Heteroptera (true bugs). Possibly a new subfamily. If confirmed, the first subfamiliy in 20 years, according to Brazilian specialists. 

March 12-13, 2016: It was our 5th scientific committee and the 3rd board meeting of BRC at Paragominas. All partner institutions were represented and the discussion was very productive. News are coming for this year.

Photo: Torkjell Leira

March 14-16, 2016: BRC was supporter of the Workshop in Forestry Restoration, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Amazon Biodiversity. The event was a success and the research network for Amazon restoration has already started. We are looking forward for new events. In the picture, Torkjell Leira (UiO/BRC), André Carvalho (UiO/BRC), Lourdes Ruivo (MPEG), Fridtjof Mehlum (UiO), Selma Ohashi (UFRA) and Øystein Wiig (UiO) (from left to right)

Photo: Torkjell Leira